8 of the best real estate coaches share their best advice for what agents need to be doing TODAY! When it comes to today’s market and what you should be doing about it, everyone has an opinion – the news, the real estate “hobbyist,” and the other agents who are hurting out there right now. […]
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8 of the Best Real Estate Coaches Share Their Top Advice
When it comes to today’s market and what you should be doing about it, everyone has an opinion – the news, the real estate “hobbyist,” and the other agents who are hurting out there right now. The question is, are you going to listen to them or the best real estate coaches in the industry?
Here’s the interesting thing…
That question I just asked seems like it should be a no-brainer. But then why are so many agents allowing themselves to be blown around by the noise while it’s proven that agents who listen to their coach are the ones who come out on top? Now, there’s a question that isn’t so simple, and quite frankly, I don’t have an answer for it.
What I do have are eight of the best real estate coaches working for me sharing their best advice for agents on this blog.
Here’s the question I asked them:
“In just a few sentences, tell me your thoughts on the market and the No. 1 thing agents need to do to survive in it.”
Here’s what they said…
Merrill Jencks: Love the Challenge (and Your Clients)
The honest truth is that right now business is not coming as easily as it used to because there are fewer transactions to go around.
Agents who are successful have to work harder than ever, and sometimes it can feel like we are working twice as hard for half the money.
But here’s my advice…
LEAN IN. Do the work. Love on your clients and your sphere like you never have before. When the market improves, those agents who put in the work now are going to be the ones who come out on top.
What’s important is that you embrace it. Don’t fight against it. If you carry around any negative baggage about today’s market, it’s going to spill over into your interactions. See this as your opportunity.
Glen Stein: Do the Work that Matters
Your first step – before you even begin doing any work – is to define what “work” is.
There’s a difference between “Work” (with a capital W) and “busy work.”
Busy work is work that needs to get done, but not necessarily by you. “Work” is any activity that directly produces income. That means setting appointments.
You need to focus on doing the Work – activities that are going to get you appointments. There are plenty of options for buying and selling in this marketplace.
Agents can’t just wait for inventory to arise – they have to go find it, and that means developing the skills to set appointments like never before.
Doug Hannan: A Plan to Do MORE
It appears the total number of sales will be down this year over previous years. Fewer of your past clients may be moving, and less homes in your farm may be sold.
In this market you need to do MORE to get the SAME production from each lead source. More hours worked, calls made, marketing and communication etc. Lean on your coach and come up with a plan to do MORE.
Kay Fairchild: No More Excuses
1. Agents, team leaders, and brokers must understand and accept this market is here to stay!
2. They have to LEARN to be proactive – looking for business, not waiting for it to show up like they did the last two years.
3. Understand that there is still plenty of business. Agents need to ask themselves, on a scale of 1-10 (10 being perfect), how would they rate their MOMENTUM right now? That means looking at the big picture – calling, texting, videos, open houses – and ranking whether or not they’re working to generate business every day.
Now, on the same scale, how would they rate their SKILLS? Because this is a skill-based market.
They need to recognize that if they can’t honestly rate themselves a nine or ten in Momentum and Skills, then it’s not the market that is the issue!!!! They are losing money due to their lack of activities and skills!
4. Are they working from a biz plan? Are they working their lead sources every day to see if those sources are working for them?
Tracking conversations against appointments to see which sources are working and which need to be switched out or pivoted to better sources.
5. STOP with the excuse of, “I have too many things to do.” You are either making money or LOSING money through your activities. Stop with the crap and take control of your business by focusing on what makes you money.
I’m a direct coach with high accountability so our focus is not on excuses, the market, or inability to find biz. It’s making this market work for us!